Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Neuropsychology of handwriting

Patients with Parkinson's disease have a tendency to micrographia, that is small handwriting that is technically and qualitatively correct in major instances. Micrographia tends to improve with the withdrawal of visual feedback (eyes closed condition) and worsens with withholding of dopaminergic drugs. Moreover, with continuation of the task, micrographia becomes worse. It is worse in copying than free writing paradigm and improved with external cues (such as lined paper). Patients have worse micrographia with worse external attentional demands. Only one report exists of macrographia, in autism.

Ondo WG, Satija P. Withdrawal of visual feedback improves micrographia in Parkinson's disease. Mov Disorder 2007; 31: 2130-2131.

Van Gemmert AW, Adler CH, Stelmach GE. Parkinson's disease patients undershoot target size in handwriting and similar tasks. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2003 ; 74:1502-8.

Teulings HL, Contreras-Vidal JL, Stelmach GE, Adler CH. Adaptation of handwriting size under distorted visual feedback in patients with Parkinson's disease and elderly and young controls.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2002 Mar;72(3):315-24.

Kim EJ, Lee BH, Park KC, Lee WY, Na DL. Micrographia on free writing versus copying tasks in idiopathic Parkinson's disease.
Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2005 Jan;11(1):57-63.

Contreras-Vidal JL, Teulings HL, Stelmach GE, Adler CH. Adaptation to changes in vertical display gain during handwriting in Parkinson's disease patients, elderly and young controls.
Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2002 Dec;9(2):77-84.

Tucha O, Mecklinger L, Thome J, Reiter A, Alders GL, Sartor H, Naumann M, Lange KW.
Kinematic analysis of dopaminergic effects on skilled handwriting movements in Parkinson's disease.J Neural Transm. 2006 May;113(5):609-23.

Oliveira RM, Gurd JM, Nixon P, Marshall JC, Passingham RE. Micrographia in Parkinson's disease: the effect of providing external cues.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1997 Oct;63(4):429-33.

Van Gemmert AW, Teulings HL, Stelmach GE.The influence of mental and motor load on handwriting movements in parkinsonian patients. Acta Psychol (Amst). 1998 Nov;100(1-2):161-75.

Van Gemmert AW, Teulings HL, Stelmach GE.Parkinsonian patients reduce their stroke size with increased processing demands.

Beversdorf DQ, Anderson JM, Manning SE, Anderson SL, Nordgren RE, Felopulos GJ, Bauman ML. Brief report: macrographia in high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2001 Feb;31(1):97-101.
Brain Cogn. 2001 Dec;47(3):504-12.

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