Sunday, December 6, 2009

Luria audiomotor integrative tasks

Pitch tests should be kept simple, give 2 sounds ask which is higher or lower.

reproduction of tones

reproduction of rhythmic taps first by imitation, then by verbal instruction, then by reproduction with verbal enforcement

Tactile functions p. 444

discriminative sensation "epicritic" (Head, 1920).
Ideas test with head and point of pin, patient must discriminate which, or use 3 items and ask patient to discriminate. Localize touch by asking patient to point to spot, and make it harder by asking him to point to same spot on the opposite limb. Use Weber's touch compass to discriminate 2 point differentiation threshold in millimeters. Also use it to differentiate Double simultaenous stimulation which is difficult in patients with right parietal injury. Finally measure up and down movements and ability to trace numbers and letters in the hand. Cites Teuber, 1959. Notes that lesions is left hemisphere for are tightly organized in postcentral area, but right hemisphere lesions are more distributed and even left hemisphere lesions occassionally cause left arm abnormalities.

Kinesthetic function (position sense)
simple move a finger, toe, arm and ask whether its up or down (or mimic with other side)
More complicated-- mimic posture in the other hand.

differentiates from amorphosythesis (denny brown 1952, 1958).

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