Sunday, June 5, 2016

Koziol adjusted neuropsych exam

Need to adjust-- traditional tests lack tests of procedural learning, of reward systems.-
Koziol notes the Tower tests, Card Sorting and others have convergent thinking; he advocates divergent thinking and creative ways to use existing tests.  For example readminister Trails A to get the best performance, the learning.  Trails B is harder, incorporates FPN but idea is same, speed should decrease with practice.  The cognitive control part diminishes as the test becomes routinized.  Similar for maze tests.  Don't norm it, use as individual self comparison (cites Reitan and Lezak).  Data would tell us about the individual's ability to automate. 
Prism Adaptation Task is very sensitive to the cerebellum. 
Programming motor sequences (Luria?) is the property of the frontal lobes.
Programming intention programs starting, perseverating, stopping, and lack of inhibition is basal ganglia governed.
Programming quality of movements, coordination, rate, rhythm,  and force of movements is under cerebellar control. 
Assessing reward paradigms:  Author pans the Iowa Gambling Test.  The "probabilistic category learning task" is utilized experimentally, successfully.  It measures whether people learn better before positive or negative outcomes.  The weather prediction task is another test that has been used experimentally.

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