Saturday, February 9, 2008

The anatomy of aphasia revisited

Kreisler A, Godefroy O, Delmaire C, et al. Neurology 2000; 54:1117-1123.

The authors investigated 107 patients with a standard aphasia battery and looked at 69 predetermined areas of interest. They found an analysis to identify 67-94 $ of patients.
1. Nonfluent aphasias depended on frontal or putamenal lesions (mutism, low fluency) (IFG to put, or ant centrum semiovale to PUT or IPL
2. Repetition depended on insula-external capsule lesions and posterior internal capsule
3. Comprehension depended on posterior lesions of the temporal gyri,or IFG
4. Phonemic paraphasias depend on external capsule lesions extending to the posterior temporal lobe or internal capsule
5. Verbal paraphasias on temporal or caudate lesions
6. Perseveration on caudate lesions

Notes-- role of supramarginal gyrus and arcuate fasciculus was not confirmed. Syntactic comprehension depends on IFG.

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