Sunday, July 6, 2008

Nikolay Bernshtein (1896-1966) And Petr Anokhin (1896-1974)

Bernshtein authored theoretical principles of a new physiology "of activity" as opposed to "of reactions." Every action has a reaction which would be a new stimulus and so on, leading to a "dynamic physiology" that Luria also accepted. Behavior must be plastic and depend on modifications and adjustments In place of a rigid reflex arc, Bernshtein postulated a "reflex ring" with continuous adjustments and corrections. picture p. 93.

Petr Anokhin,a student of Bernshtein, elaborated direct physiologic investigation of CR's, eg. in the 1950's by hosting the first EEG conference in the USSR. His work, Biology and Neurophysiology of the Conditioned Reflex (1968) is considered the most important Pavlovian elaboration post Pavlov. His afferent synthesis hypothesis proposes a key moment when the organic needs of the individual ("dominant motive") are confronted with environmental situation and preceding experience (memory) to elicit a behavior. The CR is inserted into functional organization. So to satisfy hunger, a precise sequence of processes occurs.

Author states that today CR is seen as only one process not the only process.

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